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How to deal with competition in business

Do you now How to deal with competition in business?

Your competitor has an equivalent product or service like yours and his price is cheaper. What then to try to convince your customer to shop from you? the way to affect the competition?

There is no magic. If your product or service is strictly an equivalent, in fact, the customer will want to shop for the most cost-effective one. But the purpose is, it's never an equivalent thing.

This is because the customer doesn't just buy the merchandise or service.

He buys the merchandise or service plus all the positive impacts his life will wear that purchase. He buys the buyer experience.

So you've got to know what the customer wants, what their needs, concerns, dreams and desires are. what's important to your customer? What can your product or service solve, what solutions does it offer?

You need to understand the answers to those questions, once you believe the way to affect the competition.
I have a blog on Prospecting

Below I will be able to offer you some more tips which will assist you and the way to affect your competition, and you'll realize that competition won't cause you to break, but it can assist you to grow your sales!

Come on!

Coping with the competition - Generate value for your product or service


Always remember: Price is what the customer pays, it's about money. Value is what it gets, it is the positive impacts of your product or service on its life.

Important: it's not always rock bottom price that guarantees the sale, but the set of benefits and benefits you'll offer your customer. 

Value creation should be interesting to the customer's eyes in order that they realize that they're getting far more than they're paying.

In the presentation of the merchandise or service, and particularly within the negotiation phase, we cannot only sell the merchandise or service. But we must sell the offer, which also involves technical solutions, advantages and benefits.

First, we must analyze the profile of your audience: what their needs, their concerns, and the way your product or service can address their needs and concerns. this manner you'll create competitive differentiation.

Competitive differentiation means the customer has got to know what they're going to gain if they buy from you and what they're going to lose when buying from the competitor. He wants an answer that works, that makes him happy, and you've got to form that clear to him.

Remember that the main target is usually on the customer.

That is why you've got to know your customer's mind and understand what their objections are, so you'll speak exactly what your customer must hear to form the buying decision.

Knowing this information, you need not worry about the way to affect the competition. you'll offer a special solution, to your customer which will solve his concerns, fears, dreams and desires.

Also check what is often added to your product or service, if you'll partner with other companies, what bonuses you'll offer. this may further enhance your product or service.

How to affect competition - Competitor sells over the web 

This is for once you have a product or service during a physical store, and your competition sells an equivalent product or service over the web.

How to generate value in order that the customer buys from you?

Let's attend the instance. You sell mobile phones in a physical store. The customer involves with you but says they saw an equivalent device on the web for a less expensive price. it's might be true. But it's not an equivalent.

In your store:

  • Delivery is immediate, he can now leave with the device,
  • He can test the device to ascertain if it really as he thinks,
  • He can learn how to use and handle the device and install what he wants,
  • There is no risk of delayed delivery, loss or damage to the device during transport.

What's more, you offer a guarantee, and if there are any problems he has nowhere to complain. 

So it isn't an equivalent thing. You offer far more experience, you offer far more value.

How to affect the competition - Service is additionally a differentiation

Most of the time the service may be a differential in choosing where to shop for.

For example:

If during a store customer got pants for 150 Rupees but the shop has got poor service, the vendor is in a bad mood, he's not clear what he's doing at the shop, doesn't offer attention, the shopkeeper is almost certain he won't buy the pants from in the shop. The shopkeeper will even make him upset at the shop brooding about never returning.

Walking a touch more, Customer discovers equivalent pants, except for 200 Rupees. However, during this store the service is totally different, customer feeling being helped, have sympathy, attention, dedication and education on the part of the vendor. In short, the customer was alright attended.

Now answer me, even with this difference of fifty Rupees, 

what are the probabilities of you purchase these pants? you think about buying, don't you? and therefore the ability of shopkeeper comes because the experience you had was completely different.

There is an audience which will come and buy the 150 Rupees. But most will buy the 200 Rupees.

Thus it doesn't matter which competitor is cheaper. It matters that the customer was placed first, the value was generated and an irresistible offer offered, a positive experience was given.

Coping with the competition - Smaller stores compared to larger ones

In general, smaller stores have higher prices compared to larger stores.

The best example during this case are markets and supermarkets:

The corner market has the very best price of an equivalent product, but it's closer, features a closer relationship with its customers because it knows almost everyone who goes there, can deliver purchases to your home faster, features a different way of treatment, being more personal.

Even if you've got a little business, and know that you simply do not have rock bottom price as competitive differentiation, you'll offer other benefits that larger establishments do not have.

You can give personalized service and have a better relationship with the customer.

How to affect the competition - Make the competitor work for you!

Analyzing the competition is one among the key points for you to sell better. So unknowingly becomes an ally for you to extend your sales.

Find out what price they charge and what value they provide on their products and services. Knowing this, you'll skill to line a price for your product or service, and you'll be ready to offer more and better than them.

That way, offer more value than the competition for an equivalent price. Because it's not the worth that creates the customer buy, but the worth. If he realizes he will receive tons, he can pay the worth suggested by you.


Always value your product or service, not downplay the competition. Don't talk badly about your competitor, but generate value for what you sell.

Always think:

Why is your product or service better? And tell that to your customer.

So by showing that you simply offer far more value than your competitor, it's not the worth which will make a difference in choosing where to shop for, but where there are more advantages and benefits for your customer.


Be better every day!

The biggest competition isn't with other companies or with other salespeople. the most important competition is with yourself. you want to constantly ask yourself:

“How am I able to be better every day? How am I able to better sell my product and service?

This is important because those that stop trying to find a quality, who stop eager to be better a day, are engulfed by competition. If you stagnate, the market will swallow you.

About my blog on How to deal with competition in business. If you have any suggestion please leave the comment below.


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